Entries by admin

Elias: “Peace between Jews and Arabs is only possible through the Messiah”

Elias recounts his journey from a childhood marked by abuse and resentment to a profound personal transformation. Discovering his Jewish heritage and grappling with struggles in the Israeli army, he eventually sought solace in faith. Through embracing Yeshua, he found peace, forgiveness, and a path to reconciliation. Today, Elias shares his story to inspire others, […]

Barri Cae Seif found the Messiah in a Deli

I was raised in a traditional Jewish home. My father was raised Orthodox, my mother was Reform so they raised us children Reform for the first twelve years of my life, and then we joined an Orthodox synagogue. I did not understand the various traditions and felt alienated from God. I was raised with moral […]

Arthur Michelson, saved from the darkness (1886-1968)

I was born in 1886 in Kronach, in the east of Germany. My father was a successful businessman and took Judaism very seriously. He was very concerned about my worldly education, but also took great care of my religious training. He reminded me often that I was a Jew and that I should do credit […]

Scott Schwartz, how a Jewish man cried out to God

Scott Schwartz grew up in a reformed Jewish home. But as a teenager he became rebellious and got in touch with the wrong crowd. He found out he didn’t have any answers to life. He realized he had to go back to synagogue. That’s how his search for answers started. Subtitles from youtube video …Torment, […]

Rose Klein, ‘Longing for salvation’

I was born in Hungary and my parents were very devout orthodox Jews. They taught me how to pray and explained to me the meaning of the Jewish traditions. We lived among the Gentiles, but my mother never allowed me to play with their children because they served Yeshua and we had nothing to do […]

Joan Schumacher, ‘He has set me free!’

I never cease to be exhilarated about being part of the fulfillment of the Law. Because Yeshua fulfilled the Law, I partake in that completion by repentance of my sin, and by faith in Him. Despite being told lies about Yeshua and the Bible for the first 32 years of my life, the Holy Spirit […]

Estelle Stewart, ‘Without Him I would have no life’

I have been a Jewish believer in Yeshua for almost twenty years. I was the only child of older parents. My mother’s family has lived in Liverpool since the middle of the 19th century. My father was a Polish Jew who came to England at the end of the Second World War. He was the […]

Louis Goldberg searched for forgiveness of sins (1923-2002)

I still remember vividly the Yom Kippur that I took part in when I was ten years old. Though I was not yet bar mitzvah, I insisted that I, too, would fast and attend the synagogue services, despite my parents’ objections. After all, I wanted my sins forgiven! With childish zeal, I entered into all […]

Harry Kramer lost everything

I come from a small, largely Jewish, Russian town. I was raised strictly orthodox and attended Synagogue every Shabbat with my father. A large part of my childhood was spent studying the Torah and the Talmud. The rabbi at school considered it his main task to keep us far from everything Christian. Jewish society was […]