Alexandra, ‘Through Jesus I found an eternal Home’ (1966-1999)

“…I know that, when my earthly life ends, I will be in a…

Rose Warmer brought the Word of God in Auschwitz

Before the start of the Holocaust, Jewish born Rose Warmer found…

Meijer, a Jewish boy who believed in Jesus

C.W.H. Wedekind speaks about his friendship with his Jewish friend,…

Wainer, ‘Why would I believe in the God of the Gentiles?’ (1952-2013)

I was born into a traditional Jewish family. Although my parents…

Zvi Kalisher, ‘Was it God who was with us?’

Henryk (later Zvi) Weichert was ten years old when the Germans…

Rebecca de Graaf would never speak the name of Jesus (1907-1995)

My parents were Jews and both my grandparents were devout Jews.…

Meno Kalisher searches the truth about Jesus

Meno was born into a Jewish family of believers in Jesus, at…

Richard Harvey, ‘How can I, as intellectual Jew, believe?’

Richard Harvey lives in England, but also spends large parts…

Carl Flesch survived the persecution of Jews in Hungary

“How did you find Yeshua?” a pastor of a church asked me…