Michael Solomon Alexander, the first bishop of Jerusalem (1799-1845)

Michael Solomon Alexander

That Michael Alexander would be the first Protestant Bishop of Jerusalem was hardly expected at his birth. His parents raised him according to the strict principles of Orthodox Judaism. Michael was a quick pupil. At the age of sixteen he already taught Talmud and German. In 1820, in his twenty-first year, he came to England to teach and also to perform the duties of a shochet (Jewish ritual slaughter).

Trained in Judaism

Growing up in Prussia, Michael had only known Judaism, and had not had the slightest acquaintance with Christianity. He did not even know of the existence of the New Testament, and the name of Christ he had only heard through swear words.

After a few disappointments in London, Michael decided to move to Colchester. In one of the streets of Colchester a poster aroused his curiosity. It was the announcement of the Annual Meeting of the London Jews’ Society, an organisation that handed out the New Testament among Jews. He wanted to know more, so Michael obtained a New Testament and started to read it.

Searching for the truth

In 1821 Michael married Miss Levy in Plymouth, where he was later appointed as rabbi. Through God’s providence he became acquainted with Rev. Golding, to whom he gave Hebrew lessons.

After much inward conflict he came to the conclusion that he had to acknowledge the truth of the New Testament. Often he went to Golding’s church on Sunday evenings to listen, in secret, to the Christian hymns that were being sung. But it was not long before his Jewish brothers got to hear about it and consequently he was discharged from his rabbinical office. Now he could openly attend the services of his friend.

Priest and Missionary

When Michael was baptized in St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in 1822, the interest was overwhelming and by the time he was 28 he was ordained as deacon in Dublin. It was very rare in that time that a converted Jew got an ecclesiastical office. Later he was even ordained in the priesthood.

When Michael joined the London Jew’s society, he wanted to become a missionary among the Jews. First in Danzig (1827-1830) then later in London (1830-1841). To his brother, who was a rabbi in Posen (Poznan) he witnessed: “I was a sheep astray, far from the flock of my Saviour, not aware of the Lord who bought me.”

Bishop of Jerusalem

In 1841, after his professoriate in London, Michael was ordained as the first Anglican bishop of Jerusalem. In his last sermon on English soil he spoke on Acts 29:22-24: ‘And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there…’
He served in Israel for only four years, but these were years of abundance with many Jews finding their Messiah. With his sudden death in the autumn of 1845 there came an end to a life of serving and witnessing of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Messiah.