Tag Archive for: Forgiveness

Elias: “Peace between Jews and Arabs is only possible through the Messiah”

Elias recounts his journey from a childhood marked by abuse and…

Louis Goldberg searched for forgiveness of sins (1923-2002)

I still remember vividly the Yom Kippur that I took part in when…

Isaac Ostrovsky, ‘This book is ours!’

Isaac Solomon Ostrovsky was born in 1902 in Tagancha, a town…

Alexei, ‘The real meaning of life’

Alexei was harassed a lot as the only Jewish child in his class.…

Karl DeSouza, a Jew from Pakistan found Jesus

“There are Jews in Pakistan?!?" This is the common reaction…

Betty Moscoviter, ‘Jesus delivered me from hate’

Betty lost most of her family in the Holocaust and was full of…

Alexandra, ‘Through Jesus I found an eternal Home’ (1966-1999)

“…I know that, when my earthly life ends, I will be in a…

Patrick couldn’t do anything without drugs

Patrick couldn’t do anything without alcohol or drugs. He ended…

Daniel Rozen, ‘God revealed Himself on the road to Jerusalem’

Daniel grew up with hatred and pain because of what the Germans…