Tag Archive for: Isaiah 53

Barri Cae Seif found the Messiah in a Deli

I was raised in a traditional Jewish home. My father was raised…

Rabbi Sam Stern, ‘The true teaching of Christ’

I was born during World War I and grew up in a strict orthodox…

Chaim Gurland, from darkness to light (1831-1905)

Rabbi Gurland wrote: “I have lived in two entirely different…

John Henry Brühl studied the book Isaiah (1823-1893)

To the dismay of both father and mother Brühl, their son…

Christian Solomon Deutsch, ‘About whom is Isaiah speaking?’ (1734–1797)

Solomon Deutsch was born in Hungary. In the Jewish environment…

Leopold Cohn, the quest of a young rabbi (1862-1937)

Leopold Cohn was a promising young rabbi, who was willing…

Abraham Capadose, ‘I wait for Thy salvation, o Lord!’ (1795–1874)

As a young boy of nine years old, he faithfully said his daily…

Karol Joseph, ‘Because of my fears I was always afraid’

I was born in Boston on August 16, 1952, the third of four children.…

Rabbi Max Wertheimer, a Jewish orthodox rabbi finds his Messiah (1863-1941)

Born of orthodox Jewish parents, my earliest childhood impression…